My Services
Consultation Services allows a two-way process between you and I where we talk through your professional goals and align them with your services. I'll isten to your concerns and mine while we seek and share views and information, and - consider what works better before we make decisions.
On Call - $5 extra
Email - Free with services
Career Advising
Your career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Professional Brand Career Advising is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career and educational decisions.
Personalized PDF w/Resources - $100
Interview Preparation
There's 7 steps we take within Professional Brand that helps us excel interview:
1. Prepare Thoroughly.
2.Make a good first impression. (Resume Included)
3. Run offense, NOT defense.
4. Use non-verbal strategy.
5. Be positive.
6. Connect all the dots.
7. Ask for the Job.
*Check out* for additional resources.
Resume Assistance
A resume is a brief summary of personal and professional experiences, skills, and education history. Its main purpose is to show off your best self to potential employers. When applying for a job, you're (in most cases) going to be asked for a resume accompanied by a cover letter. Professional Brand offers a variety of resumes with various timeframes. Please see Products and Services for details.
Job Placement Advisement
Sometimes it's hard to figure out which outlet works for your passion and your career. No worries, I'm no expert, but as a success product of my options, I can lead you in the right direction. I receive so many direct messages on advice of the healthcare administration options, I chose to make this a service. This service will include a 30 minute consultation, along with a personalized pdf advisement of several educational and career options for those who are pursuing undergrad and graduate degrees within public health or healthcare administration. The pdf document will provide research and resources that correspond with your anticipated career plan. This consultation will also include ONE free follow/up for advisement if your current route should be improvised.
Personalized PDF w/resources - $100
Relocation Strategies